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You are the best judge of your child's health and we trust you will not bring a sick child to the center. However, if while in our care your child becomes ill or displays an unknown rash, your child's teacher will consult the director and you may be called to come take your child home. When called, you (or an alternate emergency person) are expected to come immediately. This is to protect the health of your child and his/her classmates. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.

     The following criteria will be considered in determining if your child must go home:

  • Unknown rash.

  • Fever of 100.5 degrees or higher. For a mild fever, muscle aches, toothache, or headache Tylenol (supplied from home) may be administered. *See Medicine below.

  • Highly contagious condition such as head lice, chicken pox, strep throat, pin worms, mumps, impetigo, conjunctivitis (pink eye), etc.

  • Diarrhea or vomiting (more than two loose, watery stools). Consideration will be taken if your child is allergic to certain food/drink products or on medication. If your child is too ill to play outside with his or her class, then your child is too ill to attend the center. 

    Your child may return to the center after: 

  • Obtaining written verification from a doctor.

  • Fever-free for 24 hours without the aid of Tylenol.

  • In the case of chicken pox, when all the lesions are scabbed over.

  • In the case of head lice, following treatment with appropriate shampoo (such as Kwell or RID) so that all nits (eggs) are gone.

  • In the case of a contagious illness, your child should take an antibiotic for 24 hours before returning.

  • If questions arise to the appropriateness of a child's return to the chenter, the final decision will be that of the Center Director of Assistant Director.



Non-prescriptive medicatin (Tylenol, nose drops, etc.) as well as prescriptioon medication will only be administered after a parent signs, and dates a form entitled, Medication Permission and Instructions for Day Care Homes/Child Care Centers. The parent must provide all medications. EMLA does not supply any medications. All medication must state the appropriate dosage for your child's weight or age. If not than a doctor's note stating proper dosage will be required before we can administer medication. Prescriptive medication must be in the original container an labeled with the child's name. A parent or guardian must administer the first dosage under their supervision; never the center staff. Please inform a teachr if your child's medication needs refrigeration. A Non-Prescription Release form for other applications such as diaper wipes, soap, etc. will be signed upon enrollment.



Every consideration will be taken to ensure the safety of your child while in our care. Should an injury occur, a Minor Incident Report would be completed by the closest adult and signed by the center Director, Assistant Director or appropriate person. A copy of this report will be sent home. A parent or guardian will be notified regarding any injury that occurs while your child is in our care. In the event of a major medical emergency or an accident, the center teacher or director will call 911 first. The child will be transported to the hospital noted on the Child Information Record (or the closest hospital). The parent/guardian and family physician will be called immediately.



Exceptional Minds Learning Academy makes every attempt to keep parents up to date on happenings here at the center and in the community. Center newsletters are sent out at least 4 times a year and classroom newsletters are sent out monthly. Parent bulletin boards are in each classroom. Please read them. It is also the parents' responsibility to keep up to date by being aware and checking for updates. Together as partners we will be able to provide your child with a fun and safe learning evironment.






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